[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1655205160916{padding-top: 55px !important;padding-bottom: 55px !important;}” el_class=”abtpagesec”][vc_column width=”1/2″][cws_sc_text subtitle=”Hi!” title=”I am Riya and welcome to my online space Mayriya.” add_divider=”” customize_align=”1″ customize_size=”1″ title_size=”18px” title_margins=”0px 0px 20px 0px” customize_colors=”1″ custom_subtitle_color=”#2d2a2b”]As a writer, I turn the uninteresting and complex information into engaging and influential content. As a content strategist, I develop result-oriented content strategy across a project’s life cycle that bridges the gap between objectives and achievements. Together, I offer a comprehensive content marketing package.

The thing which I love the most about my work is that the arena it covers is quite diverse. Right from creative pieces to professional copies for various spheres and niches, I indite it all!

I am an Engineering graduate and have worked with a couple of Software firms before footing myself as a professional freelance writer in 2015. Since then, I have not only honed my prowess as a writer, but also expanded my skill set so as to become a one-stop spot for my clients in the field of content marketing.

Get in touch to know more about what I can do for your brand. Feel free to say Hello at Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

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